“Since going through the course, I now feel confident and well-equipped to educate and empower women throughout the perinatal period.”

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family (kids and ages, how long you've been a trainer, anything you'd like to share).

Hi! I'm Lashonda Jones. Licensed Physical Therapist of 15 years, Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Core Elevation Fitness and Wellness for 12 years, located in North Carolina. I'm also a 39-year-old mom of two with a 7-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter, who I've also had the pleasure of homeschooling this year. Between running a business, home, and school I have my hands full. I've been married for 11 years to my awesome partner and husband who just so happens to be a Registered Dietitian and who I started my business with back in 2009. Collectively, we've been blessed to help hundreds through our fitness, wellness, and nutrition programs to make healthy living a lifestyle.

How did you hear about/find the PCES Program?

Since becoming a PT and trainer, I've always wanted to be a pre and postnatal specialist but never felt truly "qualified" to understand and help moms until I became one myself… I know, sounds a little silly, but that's truly how I felt. It wasn't until I had to rehab myself from a 2nd degree tear, episiotomy (from my 1st), mild prolapse, diastasis recti and cesarean birth (with my 2nd) that I saw just how much care and guidance a mother truly needs all throughout the perinatal period. I began sharing my own postpartum healing journey on social media and going down the rabbit hole of researching and searching for a comprehensive program that would give me the evidence-based education and tools I needed to help both myself and my clients, and that's when I came across Sarah's PCES course. She was a physical therapist and trainer like myself… and her course was EXACTLY what I was needing and looking for.

Since going through the course, I now feel confident and well-equipped to educate and empower women throughout the perinatal period. Before, things like prolapse, returning to running, and leaking were a bit overwhelming for me, but not anymore. Between the course and having been a part of the Inner Circle, I feel more equipped to provide solutions for my clients and better advocate for women's health.

How has this course changed the way you train your clients?

The course taught me to always start with the foundations of breathing, posture, core/pelvic floor connection, and the goals/lifestyle/history of my clients, and build from there. It gave me more tools inside my "PT Toolbox'' to provide a more thorough assessment of things like diastasis and pelvic floor issues, and ready-assessment tools to help them return back to activities and sports. As a result, my clients are getting better results.

What was your favorite part of the course?

My favorite part would have to be the client case studies and examples. Being able to see the things learned from the course on an actual client and to see progress made from the things you're learning in the course was priceless. I'm a visual learner, so any and all visuals were super helpful for me to apply it to my own clients

How has being a member of the Inner Circle helped you in your business?

My favorite part of the Inner Circle was being able to both share input and get feedback from such a wide variety of like-minded professionals with a variety of experiences and skill sets. It helped me try new things, look at things differently, and have the confidence to both troubleshoot with clients and also learn from other business owners like myself.

You can learn more about Lashonda here:

Instagram: instagram.com/ptrainershonda

Facebook: instagram.com/ptrainershonda

Website: http://coreelevationfitness.com/