
Sciatic nerve pain is a global term that is often used when people complain of pain that runs along the path of this nerve, often identified as gluteus maximus pain. The sciatic nerve originates from nerves out of the lower lumbar vertebra, and it runs underneath the piriformis muscle and down the entire back side …

Glute Exercises for Sciatica Pain Read More »

When it comes to the human body, there are some things we cannot change: our age, genetic factors, a history of trauma. But there is a lot we can do to help manage and prevent chronic pain from limiting our lifestyle. Back pain is common. According to the CDC, nearly 60% of adults in the …

Why Your Back Hurts and What You Can Do About It Read More »

What Is Rib Flare and Why Should You Care? Rib flare is a term that is often thrown around in the rehab world. Understanding what it means and how you can fix it can go a long way toward better breathing, core strength, and overall posture. Rib flare can even play a role in neck, …

What is Rib Flare? Read More »

This video is a compilation of 9 posture tips to leave you feeling great after a trip in the car! Car Tip Tuesday Summary Find your headrest. Relax your shoulders, find the headrest with the back of your head and gently rest your head back. Even when things get stressful try to keep your head …

9 Tips for Better Driving Posture Read More »

There are 2 main types of tightness that I see in hip flexors. #1. The muscles are short and tight. #2. The muscles are actually long but feel tight. (Especially when you stand up.) Both types are trying to tell you that something needs to change in your body and both types feel like tight …

How do you know if your hip flexors are tight? Read More »

A better question is should I run with a diastasis, and that answer is probably not in the beginning if it’s a fairly severe diastasis, and maybe if it’s mild — BUT before you get upset with my advice, let me explain the why and help you figure out how to run safely. In a …

Can I run with a diastasis? Read More »

Running. One of those great activities that burns a ton of calories quickly, helps you get in shape fast, and does a great job at maintaining sanity. The unfortunate part is women often head out the door to run too soon post -baby, and when you couple that with poor running form, the risk of …

5 Steps for Better Running Read More »

You’re a mom, so the thought of having enough private time to pee and then blow your nose after you’re done probably doesn’t happen too often. Plus, since you’re a master at multi-tasking, I bet you opt to blow your nose while peeing–saves on time and you only have to wash your hands once–I get …

Why multitasking hurts your pelvic floor Read More »

A Closer Look at Diastasis Both of the following people did not have the abs they wanted despite doing abdominal exercises. Let’s take a deeper look into what causes a diastasis and why some people have the abs they want and others don’t. What is a diastasis? Read about it here in the full article. …

A Fascinating Look at 2 People with Tummy Bulge and Diastasis Read More »

If you have small kids or grandkids, then you know the “please hold me cry” is impossible to ignore! Don’t worry, there is a safe way to pick up and carry your child without killing your back and shoulder in the process. Welcome to the Tip of the Week! Each week in the MomFit Program …

Tips for Picking Up and Carrying Your Child Safely Read More »