Strength & Mobility

When it comes to the human body, there are some things we cannot change: our age, genetic factors, a history of trauma. But there is a lot we can do to help manage and prevent chronic pain from limiting our lifestyle. Back pain is common. According to the CDC, nearly 60% of adults in the …

Why Your Back Hurts and What You Can Do About It Read More »

What is the IT Band? The IT Band stands for the iliotibial band. It is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee. It is the accumulation of the fascia from all of the glute muscles and the tensor fascia latae (TFL) (Flatto …

IT Band Pain and Exercises to Help Read More »

If you missed part 1 of this article on what is hip impingement be sure to check it out! Hip Impingement Exercises When attempting to heal hip impingement without surgery, you won’t necessarily be changing the bony deformations or integrity of the labrum, but you’ll focus more on improving the joint mechanics through muscle reeducation, …

Exercises for Hip Impingement Read More »

What Is Hip Impingement?  The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. It consists of the end of your femur (upper leg bone) which has a round end (shaped like a ball) that sits in a cup-shaped socket of your pelvis known as the acetabulum. The acetabulum and femurs both have articular cartilage on …

What is Hip Impingement? Read More »

You may have taken the plunge to start thinking about your feet, read or heard some about barefoot running, or maybe you’ve simply gotten used to pandemic life of no shoes and are asking yourself, “can I work out barefoot?”    The benefits of exercising without shoes Being able to stack our ribs over our pelvis …

Exercise Barefoot for Added Benefit Read More »

If you have pain in your feet, heels, or Achilles tendon – fallen arches, locked arches, or are looking to transition to a more minimalist shoe wear – or even have hip, core and pelvic floor problems that feel stuck in progress – here is a guide for you to explore your arch function and …

Strengthening the Arches of Your Feet Read More »

There are exercises and strategies that can make pregnancy more comfortable, delivery a little easier, and postpartum recovery faster. Let’s dive into which exercises are recommended during pregnancy, exercises that can be harmful during pregnancy, and exercises that should be done with caution.  Pregnancy is amazing, exciting, and hard, all at once. Feeling those first …

Exercising While Pregnant: Why You Should, and How to Do It Safely Read More »

When people report feeling their lower back in a squat or deadlift, they often think it’s because their back is weak and it needs to get stronger. In reality, it means that they have lost pelvic control and positioning of their rib cage over their pelvis. This can happen for different reasons, including the inability …

5 Ways to Fix Low Back Pain from Squats Read More »

Every couple of years we head out west and hit the slopes with my dad and brother. (Both of whom ski circles around me. Literally, I think they could ski actual circles. LOL)  The first time back skiing after having my second I was really worried about how my pelvic floor would handle skiing, but …

Mountain Ready Leg Workout Read More »

Will You Pass This Glute Strength Test? It’s been a rough week in our house with my youngest getting mono and having lymph nodes in his neck the size of a baseball. The poor kid was just in the PICU for 4 days on a ventilator a few weeks ago. The immune system is a …

Can You Pass This Glute Strength Test? Read More »