All Moms Should Deadlift, Period.

Why should all moms deadlift? Well, I'm glad you asked. Have you ever tried to pick up a heavy kid off the floor, especially one that is squirming?

If you have, then you know the need for being able to deadlift. ๐Ÿ™‚ It doesn't have to be a barbell in a fancy gym, it can be with some weights at home, but learning how to hip hinge with weight is needed to keep your back safe when you bend over.

Let's face it, as moms, we have to bend over and pick up heavy things!! I'm sharing this because I want to keep your spine safe!

The discs in our back do not like repetitive forward bending, especially when lifting something heavy. Preventing an injury to your back is really easy!!!! You just need to learn some proper mechanics and then get stronger.

Say goodbye to back pain forever. Woohoo! And, of course, who doesn't want to feel strong?! Don't be intimidated by the name deadlift. It's just an exercise like any other and a movement pattern that the body goes through on a daily basis.

Now, there are a few tips for tackling deadlifts that are important to remember:

#1. Do not round your back. Your back stays flat at all times.

Proper deadlift technique

#2. Shift your hips back as you bend.

One great drill that makes it easy to learn how to stick out your bottom is to stand about 6-10inches away from the wall and hip hinge forward. Imagine you're loading the dishwasher or reaching down to pick up a box. Your hips should move backward.

pelvic floor exercise- proper hip hinge

Practice this a few times touching the wall to get the hang of the motion.

#3. Don't hyperextend your knees.

pelvic floor exercises-unlocked knees

Keeping your knees soft (straight but not locked) can do huge favors for your low back and hips.

#4. Keep the weight close to your body. Doesn't matter if it's a barbell, heavy box or kid. The further away from your body the object you're trying to lift is the more at risk you put your back.

#5. Breathe!!!! Make sure you exhale for the way back up. Do not hold your breath.

Holding your breath is very harmful to the pelvic floor.

In MomFit, we do lots of exercise breakdowns and voiceovers. I always get some amazing volunteers to have their video looked at, but I've decided to pick on myself for a change. (Only seems fair.) A picture or video can be the best coach. Our bodies often lie to us. We think we are in one place but we're really not.

This is a basic adaptation. We adapt to a pattern (good or bad) and this adaptation starts to feel normal. It doesn't mean it's right, it just feels normal to us. That's what makes changing those patterns hard. Seeing it with our eyes helps our brain place our body in better alignment.

Hopefully, this video below will give you some great tips to help your deadlift.

If you're frustrated about getting stronger and feel like you keep getting hurt or need more help on exercise form and execution, checkout MomFit. It's a progressive workout plan that takes you from not being able to lift your kid, to holding them overhead to grab the monkey bars with ease.