Full support for you and the people you help

The Inner Circle offers personal support for PCES graduates and those currently enrolled in the self-study option. Members enjoy a private facebook group where you connect with health and fitness professionals from around the world and troubleshoot with Dr. Sarah and her team of experts.

  • “I have taken many courses in many fields and none have exceeded my expectations in the way that PCES has. The user-friendly presentation of the theory, the practical analysis in the case studies and the open access to Dr Sarah and her team are all exceptional." - Sarah Preston


Inner Circle Members get:

  • Live Q and A session once a month
  • Live exercise workouts and demos 1-2x per month
  • Live Q and A with other experts (advice and networking)
  • Multiple experts in the group to help you
  • Safe and comfortable place where we can troubleshoot our own issues
  • Client case studies
  • Ability to upload videos for form critiques
  • Exercise breakdowns
  • Business and personal growth
  • Research study reviews

Bonus Material

Intro to the Pelvic Floor and Diastasis Recti: Essentials

Introductory course to the pelvic floor and diastasis recti for health and fitness professionals

Intro to the Pelvic Floor and Diastasis Recti Essentials is a 5 hour course that will cover the essentials so you can feel confident working with those with pelvic floor dysfunction or diastasis recti. It specifically looks at the pelvic floor and diastasis recti.


The Shoulder Solution

Course designed to improve posture and decrease shoulder tightness, fatigue and pain.

The Shoulder Solution offers professionals a full toolkit of tests, modifications, exercises and understanding for addressing shoulder issues.

Shoulder Solution

Learning Through Applications

Workout program exploring real-world applications for the pelvic floor, diastasis recti, shoulder, foot, and hip.

Learning through Applications was created specifically for professionals to focus on their own bodies while learning more to help others.


Secrets for Success

The Health and Fitness Business Summit - Conversations with the hardest working women in the industry

Interviews with 24 high-performing women in the industry. Actionable tips and advice to grow your health and fitness business.


Guest Expert Interviews:

Sara Reardon
Sara Reardon
Tony Gentilcore
Sarah Clinton
Susan Clinton
Zac Cupples
Zac Cupples

& Many More

Guest Topics Include:

  • Branding & Web Design
  • Client Onboarding
  • Automation
  • Scaling
  • Funnels
  • Business Growth

Live Call Topics Include:

  • Piriformis & Deep Hip Rotator Tension
  • Influencing Pelvic Floor Tone & Tension
  • Pelvis Bony Alignment
  • Split Squat Variations
  • Exercise Breakdowns
  • Live Q&As

Inner Circle Team

Click images to learn more
Anna Hammond

Dr. Anna Hammond, DPT, OCS, PCES


Physical Therapist, Strength/Conditioning Specialist

Dr. Anna Hammond, DPT, OCS, PCES

Anna attended the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina to obtain her Doctorate of Physical Therapy. While attending MUSC, Anna also became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She and a colleague created a “screen and clean” program to help assess those who wanted to begin a gym program, work on injury prevention, or generally feel better physically.

Robin Angus

Robin Angus, PT, Cert. MDT, PCES


Orthopedic and Women's Health Physical Therapist

Robin Angus , PT, Cert. MDT, PCES

Robin has been in physical therapy practice since 1981, earned several advanced certifications, and served as a teaching assistant for Shirley Sahrmann’s continuing education courses. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in women’s health and orthopedics to the Inner Circle, teaching and mentoring PCES graduates in the application of the theories, exercise progressions, and self-care advice taught in the PCES course.

paige circle

Paige Dunmore, BS, PTA, PCES


Physical Therapist Assistant

Paige Dunmore, BS, PTA, PCES
Paige earned her undergraduate degree in Mass Communication and worked as a radio personality before eventually stumbling upon physical therapy due to a running injury. Not long after, she returned to school full-time to become a Physical Therapist Assistant in 2014, just ahead of the birth of her first child.
Paige has worked in outpatient orthopedics for the last five years, specializing in manual therapy, postpartum exercise rehab, and return-to-running rehab. While she absolutely loved working in the clinic and being hands on, following a very traumatic birth with her second child, she decided to take some time and finally focus on her own rehab so that she could get back to running ultramarathons again!
Staying home with her two toddlers allowed her the time and space to go after her true passion: pregnancy and postpartum rehab. Paige found Sarah’s Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist certification after experiencing diastasis and prolapse following her second pregnancy. She enrolled in and then graduated from the PCES course in early 2019 and has been practicing what she preaches ever since! Sarah’s programs are the real deal and now that she can run, jump, lift, carry, and live life without fear she is determined to help other women achieve the results they are looking for!



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