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Free Pelvic Floor and Diastasis Course

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Part 1

Why we start with breathing
How to check for correct breathing
How the kinetic chain is all connected
How jaw clenching affects the whole body
How posture affects the pelvic floor

This is a short preview of the topics we cover in the Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Course.

The PCES course is very extensive. In this preview video, we only touch on a couple of areas and I talk pretty fast. If you feel a little lost while watching the video, keep in mind that we will break down and simplify this information in the full course. You’ll be able to follow me easily!

Dr Sarah Duvall teaching healthcare and fitness professionals

Love this mini-course and want to learn even more?

In the full Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist course, I take you even deeper into how the body works to heal and recover. You’ll have 13 weeks of content to learn how to help your clients develop the strength and healing they need.

To learn more, click the link below. There you can find the full course overview, syllabus, faq’s, testimonials and more.

Maritza Linzey is a personal trainer from Norway.

“I absolutely LOVE the PCES course. I cannot even describe how much I’ve taken out of it. Sarah is such an amazing, gifted and passionate teacher.

She does an amazing job in explaining the complexities and interconnections of the different systems in the body and can break them down in a very understandable way. On top of that, we learn so many efficient, feasible and fantastic exercises.

I am coming from a Pilates background and I can add all the knowledge I learn not only to my postpartum clientele but to all my regular clients as well … who doesn’t have back, shoulder or neck issues? With the course, I deepened my anatomical and functional knowledge of how everything works together, and I sharpened my eyes to the subtleties in movement patterns so that I can tackle the symptoms from the origins. I get such great feedback from my clients too. I am so happy I’ve signed up for the course and would highly recommend it to everybody who wants to understand movement and the functioning of the body better. Thanks Sarah for all your dedicated and passionate work!” – Barbara, Pilates Instructor

About Your Instructor:

Dr. Sarah has rehabbed thousands of women with pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, SI joint dysfunction and low back pain. With a doctorate and over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness field, she has both the extensive training and experience to bring you a cutting-edge, evidence-based course.

As a mom of 2, she knows personally what it takes to fully recover from having a baby. Her passion lies in helping women be stronger after baby. She is the creator of several wildly successful online postpartum recovery programs and currently works with women all over the world. She feels strongly that becoming a mother should not rob women of their ability to live life to the fullest.

Along with being a wife and mom, she is also an adventure sports athlete and enjoys rock climbing, kiteboarding and any sport that tests her physical and mental capabilities.


Full PCES Course Overview

  • Overview of material
  • What are the best screening questions to ask postpartum women on the first appointment and on follow-ups?
  • What special considerations do we need for C-Section deliveries?
  • What should you be doing for the scar?
  • Can we prevent hernias, diastasis and pelvic floor issues?
  • Which recovery time frames matter and which don’t?
  • When is it safe to start impact activities like running?
  • What’s the best exercise progression from delivery to full recovery?
  • What’s the best way to lift, carry and hold a baby?
  • What are some precautions for baby wearing?
  • How can a new mom incorporate more functional movement to speed up recovery?
  • What are the best breastfeeding positions to provide neck and back relief?

Start Part 2